
I'm an i/o psychologist by training and a techno-optimist at heart. I've spent most of my career as a data scientist with a particular focus on organizational behavior. I've always had an interest in the coordination mechanisms that lead to human progress, which has led me down many rabbit holes from the science of organizations to the technologies that amplify them.

This blog serves as a repository of essays and logs I've written over the years.

While I don't write about it much, I feel lucky to spend most of my days working out of the SpaceX rocket factory here in LA. I lead workforce analytics for the company, which involves leveraging the principles of data science and organizational theory to inform workforce strategy.

Previously, I was a founding core team member at talentDAO where I led data science and research operations. Today, I spend most of my free time working on AI side projects.

If you want to catch me IRL, you can often find me at one of our local AI meetups in Venice. For friends across land and seas, virtual coffee chats can be a great place to say hi too.

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